
So what's driving the whole thing?

How it works

Each customer will receive a Grow-It-Yourself (GIY) MyHeel kit containing everything they need to grow their own MyHeel smart insoles at home. The kit contains: a laser-cut cardboard model that can be assembled to form the basis of the grown structure, mycelium spawn and materials for growing, pressure sensors, a custom nRF52840 Feather microprocessing system to be worn on the user’s shoe, and step-by-step instructions detailing how the user can grow the MyHeel insoles at home.

Illustration of Kit

How to grow and use your ‘MyHeel’ insole:


Place the layers of cardboard templates together with a tap to build a mold for the insole to grow.


Put the gloves provided on and sanitise the gloves to minimise human contamination.


Cover the mold in glad wrap and sterilise with sanitiser.


Add the mix packet content into the mold and compress using the palm of your hand.


Place a final layer of glad wrap over the insole and mold then place in a cool dark area and your insole will be fully grown in a week.


Place the pressure sensors on top of the insole in the designated spots detailed on the instruction manual.


Download the ‘MyHeel’ app on the App Store or Google Play.


Connect to the shoe microcontroller.


Place the insole into your desired shoe and connect the microcontroller to the laces.


Continue with your everyday activity. The insole sensors and microcontroller will send feedback that can be accessed via your ‘MyHeel’ app.

The MyHeel kit itself is designed with mycelium-grown packaging, thereby providing a sustainable solution within the healthcare industry. This design encourages users to recycle the technology, compost the old insole and regrow a new one, which minimises their contribution to landfill and is more cost-effective for users.

Made with ❤️ by Luke, Brooke and Rachel in 2021