Our Team

Who's behind all this?

Brooke Welsh

Brooke Welsh

My name is Brooke Welsh. I am a self-driven UX/UI designer with a passion for helping others, currently completing my final year of Design Computing at the University of Sydney. When I'm not designing I am playing sport, going to crossfit or spending time in the great outdoors. My Portfolio

Rachel King

Rachel King

I am an artist and designer interested in both old and new media - from painting and sculpture to computational design. I hold a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Sydney College of the Arts and am currently studying Design Computing at the University of Sydney. My Portfolio

Luke Kelly

Luke Kelly

Hey, I'm Luke! I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Design Computing at the University of Sydney and am in my final year. I love all things creative and always have! I grew up drawing in MS Paint and making videos with my neighbour in iMovie, having now graduated to Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. My hobbies include photography, wakeboarding and drone racing. My Portfolio

Made with ❤️ by Luke, Brooke and Rachel in 2021